Research Interest

  • Power Flow Studies
  • Optimal Power Flow
  • Distribution Network Pricing
  • Distributed Control
  • Demand Side Management
  • Smart Grid
  • AC-DC Microgrid
  • Fault Studies

  Research Opportunities

    I am seeking motivated PhD and M.Tech candidate to join my research team at IIT Bhilai. The focus areas include power system analysis, fault analysis, optimization and control of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), demand-side management, and smart grid technologies. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in power systems and a keen interest in any of these areas, though applicants with interests beyond these topics are also encouraged to apply. Interested individuals are invited to reach out for more details at

  Academic Background

  • Ph.D. (2019), Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
  • Master of Engineering (2014), Power Systems, Thapar University, Patiala, India
  • B.Tech (2010), Electrical Engineering, West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata, India

  Professional Experience

  • Assistant Professor : Grade-I (Dec. 2024-till Date), Electrical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India
  • Visiting Research Assistant Professor (June 2023-Dec. 2024), Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, The University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
  • Research Associate (Oct. 2022-May 2023), Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Clarkson University, New York, USA
  • Postdoctoral Fellow (Jan. 2020-Oct. 2022), Energy Production and Infrastructure Center, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, North Carolina, US

  Awards and Accolades

  • Awarded Best-prized paper by the Industrial Automation and Control Committee of IEEE Industry Application Society amongst the paper presented at IEEE Industry Application Society Annual Meeting 2021.
  • Awarded Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Institute Travel Grant to attend the international conference in Europe (Riga, Latvia), 2018.


  • EEL 207 : Power System Analysis (UG)
  • EEL 101 : Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory (UG)

  Sponsored Projects

  • Project titled “Modeling of Scalable Nuclear Reactor-based Power Conversion Systems in a Transactive Energy Environment for H2 Production ” amounting to USD 90, 000 granted at The University of Toledo, Ohio, USA by Department of Energy (DOE) – Idaho National Laboratory (Role: Co-Principal Investigator, Nov. 2023-Aug. 2024)

  Journal Publications

  1. Md Mahmud-Ul-Tarik Chowdhury, Krishna Murari, Md Shamim Hasan, and Sukumar Kamalasadan “Optimal Power Flow (OPF) Analysis for AC-DC Active Distribution Networks Utilizing Second-Order Cone Programming (SOCP) Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IEEE), 2025 (Early Access). (Click here to read this publication)
  2. M.K. Mishra, Ameena Al Sumaiti, Krishna Murari , Khalid Al Jaafari, and S. K. Parida “Strategic Interaction among Distribution Network Operator and Residential Consumers via Distribution Use of System Charges in Demand Side Management Environment”, Applied Energy (Elsevier), Vol. 364, pp. 123106, 2024. (Click here to read this publication)
  3. Kusuma Gottapu,V V S Narayana Yirrinki, Siva Ramakrishna Madeti, K. Deepthi, and Krishna Murari “Comparison of a Novel AFPSO-SFS & PSO-SFS Approaches for Islanding Protection of Inverter based DGs”, Electric Power Component and Systems (Taylor & Francis), 2024 (Early Access). (Click here to read this publication)
  4. Krishna Murari , Narayana Prasad Padhy, Sukumar Kamalasadan “A Backward-Forward Sweep Based Power Flow Algorithm for Generalized AC-DC Distribution Network with Distributed Generations”, IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications (IEEE), vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 5032-5047, July-Aug 2023. (Click here to read this publication)
  5. Krishna Murari and Sukumar Kamalasadan " Graph-Based Power Flow Algorithm for Three-Phase Distribution Network Considering Regulators and Distributed Generations," IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications (IEEE), vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 5409-5422, 2022. (Click here to read this publication)
  6. S. Patel, Krishna Murari and S. Kamalasadan, " Distributed Control of Distributed Energy Resources in Active Power Distribution System for Local Power Balance with Optimal Spectral Clustering," IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications (IEEE), vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 5395-5408, July-Aug 2022. (Click here to read this publication)
  7. A. Suresh, Krishna Murari and S. Kamalasadan, "Injected Current Sensitivity Based Load Flow Algorithm for Multi-Phase Distribution System in the Presence of Distributed Energy Resources," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (IEEE), vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 5081-5093, 2022. (Click here to read this publication)
  8. M.K.Mishra, Krishna Murari and S. K. Parida. “Demand-side Management and its Impact on Utility and Consumers through a Game Theoretic Approach”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (Elsevier), Vol. 140, pp. 1-13, 2022. (Click here to read this publication)
  9. Krishna Murari and Narayana Prasad Padhy "Graph-theoretic based approach for the load-flow solution of three-phase distribution network in the presence of distributed generations," IET Generation Transmission and Distribution (IET), vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 1627-1640, 2020. (Click here to read this publication)
  10. Krishna Murari and Narayana Prasad Padhy " Graph-theoretic-based approach for solving load flow problem of AC–DC radial distribution network with distributed generations," IET Generation Transmission and Distribution (IET), vol. 14, no. 22, pp. 5327-5346,2020. (Click here to read this publication)
  11. Krishna Murari and N.P. Padhy “A Network-Topology Based Approach for the Load Flow Solution of AC-DC Distribution System With Distributed Generations”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IEEE), Vol.15, No.3, pp. 1508-1520, 2019. (Click here to read this publication)
  12. Krishna Murari , Narayana Prasad Padhy, Ashok Kumar Pradhan, and Furong Li. “Investigating the Impact of Protection System Reinforcement Cost on the Consumers Associated with Renewable Integrated Distribution Network”, IET Generation Transmission and Distribution (IET), vol.13, no.9, pp.1572-1588, 2019. (Click here to read this publication)
  13. Krishna Murari and Narayana Prasad Padhy “An Efficient Graphical Method for Load Flow Solutions of Distribution Systems”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (Springer), Vol.44, No.3, pp. 1791-1808, 2019. (Click here to read this publication)
  14. Krishna Murari and Narayana Prasad Padhy " An Efficient Load Flow Algorithm for AC-DC Distribution Systems" Electric Power Component and Systems (Taylor & Francis), Vol.46, No.8, pp. 919-937, 2018. (Click here to read this publication)

  Book Publications

  1. Krishna Murari , N. P. Padhy and S. Kamalasadan “Soft Computing Applications in Modern Power and Energy Systems - Select Proceedings of EPREC 2022 (ISBN: 978-981-19-8352-8), Springer, Singapore. (Click here to read this publication)
  2. Krishna Murari , Vijay Kumar Sood, and Bhim Singh “Recent Advances in Power Electronics and Drives -Select Proceedings of EPREC 2023, (ISBN:978-981-99-9439-7), Springer, Singapore. (Click here to read this publication)
  3. Vijay Kumar Sood, Krishna Murari , Om Hari Gupta, and Anupam Kumar “Soft Computing Applications for Advancements in Power Systems, (ISBN:978-87-7004-111-9), River Publishers, Alsbjergvej, Denmark. (Click here to read this publication)
  4. Krishna Murari , Ravi Bhushan, S. K. Parida, S. N. Singh, and S. A. Soman “Recent Advances in Power Systems -Select Proceedings of EPREC 2024, (ISBN:978-981-97-7921-5), Springer, Singapore.(Click here to read this publication)

  Conference Publications

  1. Tanu Prasad, Shailendra Kumar, Shashank Kurm, Krishna Murari , Md Shamim Hasan, and Sukumar Kamalasadan "Hydrogen-PV-Battery System for Hybrid EV Charging Stations with Grid Integration and Islanding Control by using DHOGI-QT2 based PLL,” IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference, Texas, USA, 2025. (Click here to read this publication)
  2. Sushant Kumar, Shailendra Kumar, Shashank Kurm, Krishna Murari , Md Shamim Hasan, and Sukumar Kamalasadan "A ST-SMO SOGI PLL and LUT Based Sensorless Vector Controlled PMaSyRM Drive for SPV-Battery Fed Light Electric Vehicle,” IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference, Texas, USA, 2025. (Click here to read this publication)
  3. Subho Paul, Abhimanyu Sharma, Krishna Murari , Md Shamim Hasan, Narayana Prasad Padhy, and Sukumar Kamalasadan "A Fully Distributed Consensus ADMM Approach for Loss Minimization in AC-DC Radial Distribution Networks,” IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference, Texas, USA, 2024. (Click here to read this publication)
  4. Richa Chaudhary, Vinay Pratap Singh, Akhilesh Mathur, V.P. Meena, and Krishna Murari "Truncation-based Approximation of Autonomous Microgrid,” IEEE Kansas Power and Energy Conference, Manhattan, Kansas, USA, 2024.(Click here to read this publication)
  5. Subho Paul, Krishna Murari , Narayana Prasad Padhy, and Sukumar Kamalasadan "Predictor-Corrector Accelerated ADMM Method for the SOCP-Relaxed AC-DC Optimal Power Flow,” IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA , 2024. (Click here to read this publication)
  6. Krishna Murari , Subho Paul, Narayana Prasad Padhy, and Sukumar Kamalasadan, “A Novel Distribution Use of Network (DUoN) Pricing Algorithm for Efficient Charging of Loads and Distributed Generations”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Phonenix, Arizona, USA, 2024. (Click here to read this publication)
  7. Richa Chaudhary, Vinay Pratap Singh, Akhilesh Mathur, U. K. Yadav, Krishna Murari , and Sukumar Kamalasadan, “Direct Truncation and Routh Approximation Assisted Reduced Order Modeling of Islanded Microgrid”, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Phonenix, Arizona, USA, 2024. (Click here to read this publication)
  8. Richa Chaudhary, Vinay Pratap Singh, Akhilesh Mathur, U. K. Yadav, Akanksha Waghmare, and Krishna Murari , “Differentiation Method Based Approximation of Higher Order Islanded Microgrid System ”, 2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), Hyderabad, India, 2024. (Click here to read this publication)
  9. Sameer Singh, U. K. Yadav, Vinay Pratap Singh, Akhilesh Mathur, and Krishna Murari , “Reduction of Bio-Ethanol Dehydration System for Sustainable Energy Exploiting Truncation and Routh Approximation”, 2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), Hyderabad, India, 2024. (Click here to read this publication)
  10. T. K. Bashishtha, Vinay Pratap Singh, Akhilesh Mathur, and Krishna Murari , “PID Control Design Using ITSE Index for Load Frequency Stability in Renewable Integrated Standalone Microgrids”, IEEE International Conference on Cyber physical Systems, Power Electronics and Electric Vehicles, Hyderabad, India, 2024. (Click here to read this publication)
  11. Ghanshyam Meena, Akhilesh Mathur, Vinay Pratap Singh, Krishna Murari , and Sukumar Kamalasadan, “Efficient Evaluation of Short-Circuit Faults in Active Distribution Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Surathkal, India, 2024. (Click here to read this publication)
  12. Ghanshyam Meena, Akhilesh Mathur, Vinay Pratap Singh, Krishna Murari , and Sukumar Kamalasadan, “A Generic Load Flow solution for Droop-controlled AC Microgrids considering Electric Vehicle loads”, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Surathkal, India , 2024. (Click here to read this publication)
  13. Krishna Murari , Tuyen Van Vu, Md Isfakul Anam, James Langston and Michael Steurer, “Graph-Based Power Flow Algorithm for Single Phase Radial and Weakly Meshed Distribution System in the presence of Distributed Generations”, IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium, Old Town Alexandria, VA, USA, 2023. (Click here to read this publication)
  14. Md Isfakul Anam, Tuyen Van Vu, Krishna Murari , Christian Schegan and Michael Steurer, “System Efficiency Model for Microgrids Using Fractional Programming”, IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium, Old Town Alexandria, VA, USA, 2023. (Click here to read this publication)
  15. Arun Suresh, Krishna Murari and Sukumar Kamalasadan, "Injected Current Sensitivity Based Load Flow Algorithm for Multi-Phase Distribution System in the Presence of Distributed Energy Resource,” IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, 2023. (Click here to read this publication)
  16. Arun Suresh, Krishna Murari , Sukumar Kamalasadan and Sumit Paudyal, “Steady-State Fault Analysis of Unbalanced Power Distribution Network Utilizing a Novel Sequence Component-Based Methodology”, ,IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, USA , 2023. (Click here to read this publication)
  17. Arun Suresh, Krishna Murari , and Sukumar Kamalasadan, “Current Injection Based Quasi-Static Time Series Load Flow Algorithm for Distribution System with Multiple Distributed Energy Resources”, ,IEEE International conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids, Wollongong, Australia, 2023. (Click here to read this publication)
  18. Subho Paul, Krishna Murari , Narayana Prasad Padhy, and Sukumar Kamalasadan "A Consensus ADMM Based Fully Distributed Peer-to-Peer Approach for Multi-Objective Residential Community Energy Management,” ,IEEE International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids, Wollongong, Australia, 2023. (Click here to read this publication)
  19. V. P. Sharma, V.P. Meena, Vinay Pratap Singh, Krishna Murari , and Akhilesh Mathur "Reduction of Interconnected Hybrid Power System Using Direct Truncation and Routh Array Method,” ,IEEE International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids, Wollongong, Australia, 2023. (Click here to read this publication)
  20. Md. Ul. Tarik, Md Shamim Hasan, Krishna Murari , and Sukumar Kamalasadan " SOCP Based Novel OPF Analysis Model for AC-DC Hybrid Power Distribution Networks," IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid, and Renewable Energy (PESGRE), Kerala, India, 2023. (Click here to read this publication)
  21. Krishna Murari , Narayana Prasad Padhy and Sukumar Kamalasadan, " Backward-Forward Sweep Based Power Flow Algorithm for Radial and Meshed AC-DC Distribution System," IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 2021. (Click here to read this publication)
  22. Krishna Murari and Sukumar Kamalasadan, " Graph-Based Power Flow Approach for Single Phase Distribution System with Distributed Generators (DGs) Considering All Load Types," IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 2021. (Click here to read this publication)
  23. Shymal Patel, Krishna Murari , and Sukumar Kamalasadan, "A Spectral Clustering Based Distributed Control of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) Integrated Power Distribution System," IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Jaipur, India , 2020. (Click here to read this publication)
  24. Krishna Murari and Narayana Prasad Padhy “Framework for Assessing the Economic Impacts of AC-DC Distribution Network on the Consumer”, IEEE 59th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON), Riga, Latvia , Nov. 12-14, 2018. (Click here to read this publication)

  Conferences (Organized)

  1. Convener, IEEE Control Instrumentation Systems Conference-2024 (IEEE CISCON-2024), Manipal Institute of Technology Manipal, Karnataka, 02-03 August 2024.
  2. Coordinator, Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference-2024 (EPREC-2024) , NIT Jamshedpur, 24-26 May 2024.
  3. Organizing Secretary, Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference-2023 (EPREC-2023) , NIT Jamshedpur, 25-27 May 2023.
  4. Organizing Secretary, Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference-2022 (EPREC-2022) , NIT Jamshedpur, 27-29 May 2022.

  Webpage (more details)

Message From Director

I am pleased to extend my greetings to students and their parents as well as colleagues near and far. IIT Bhilai was established on 7 August 2016. We are located in Chhattisgarh, the rice bowl of India, in a state rich in natural resources as well as cultural memory and heritage. Read More


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