Permanent Campus of IIT Bhilai:

Bhilai is well known as the Steel City of Central India and a key education hub of Chhattisgarh. IIT Bhilai permanent campus is well connected through major modes of transport as it is 5 km from the Great Eastern Highway, 5.4 km from Durg junction railway station (the most prominent and important station in Howrah–Nagpur–Mumbai line) and 54 km from Swami Vivekananda Airport, Mana, Raipur.
The permanent campus of IIT Bhilai is planned to be a complete self- sustaining residential campus and will be developed in phase manner. Over the course of 20 years, the campus is anticipated to expand to house 12,000 students. The present phase of the permanent campus of IIT Bhilai is being constructed in Kutelabhata village, Bhilai, District Durg and will cater to 1200 students respective faculty and staff members.

Airport: The Raipur Airport in Mana is about 54 km away from the permanent campus.

Train: The Durg railway station is about 5.4 km from the permanent campus.

★ Campus Construction Zones

The campus is being constructed in three zones namely Academic Zone, Student Hostel Zone and Staff Residential Zone. The various building developed under each of these zones are:

Sl NoCampus ZoneBuilding Name
1Academic ZoneEngineering Department (2 blocks)
2Science Departments (2 blocks)
3Lecture Hall Complex
4Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF)
5Central Prototyping Facility (CPF)
6Library and DATA Center
7Student Hostel ZoneBoys’ Hostels (2 blocks)
8Girls’ Hostel
9Mess Block
10Married Student Housing
11Staff Residential ZoneBeta, Gamma and Delta Residential Towers
12Director’s Residence
13Health Center
14Shopping Center
15Institute Club

In addition, roads, cycle tracks and walkways connecting the complete campus, boundary wall with security towers to ensure safety and security, ancillary buildings for the external engineering services, power, domestic water & waste water management facilities etc. are furnished.

★ Salient features of IIT Bhilai

The campus of IIT Bhilai is expected to be a model case study for the country as a whole. It is therefore designed to be a smart eco-campus and emphasizes sustainability and environmental sensitivity at all levels. Its pattern is driven by stewarding natural resources and based on renewable energy. This campus is designed to function 24x7, for all 365 days of the year

  • Retention of existing nature & Afforestation: The master plan and green buildings are designed in such a manner to respect the natural features of the allotted space by retaining most of the existing trees and ponds. The total number of trees on the allotted land has approximately 3,100 trees of native species and IIT Bhilai has planned to plant 12,500 new trees.
  • Energy efficient campus: In order to take advantage of the building rooftops for green energy generation and to emphasize the use of renewable energy on the campus, rooftop solar panels are being installed. To optimize the consumption of electricity, 100% LED lights are being used with the power control automation IT tool called “Campus Management System (CMS)”. Also, Air Conditioning requirements were planned to be reduced by the designed orientation of buildings, allowing natural wind flow to keep buildings cool and using insulating walls to prevent heat ingestion.
  • Sustainable Water & Waste Management: From a sustainability viewpoint, domestic water management, wastewater management, sewerage and stormwater management is exceptionally designed on the campus with Zero water discharge and reuse of treated waste water for flushing, horticulture and air conditioning (cooling system) which will result in a very little water demand from external sources. Rainwater is harvested to meet a large chunk of our water requirement. Waste management is planned campus-wide by segregating decomposable and non-decomposable waste and use of waste digesters to convert waste to manure.
  • Unique Access Corridor: A unique corridor is being constructed in the academic zone of the campus connecting all the academic buildings. The sides of the access corridor will be embellished with panels containing nature-inspired themes by Gond Artwork depicting the rich history of incredible Chhattisgarh.
  • Well Planned expansion of the campus: In the phase-wise construction, buildings are planned and designed to avoid vertical expansion in the future. Horizontal expansion is planned to cause the least disturbance to the existing buildings.
★ Recognition of IIT Bhilai Permanent campus (Construction)

The campus of IIT Bhilai is designed with a vision that the generations of students who study and graduate from IIT Bhilai will experience, appreciate and implement the value of nature, sustainability and the joy of living together with nature. The Master plan and green buildings are designed in such a manner to respect the natural features of the allotted space and to retain most of the existing trees and water bodies. The aim is to create a campus that blends into the existing environment.

IIT Bhilai complies with the norms of GRIHA and won several Exemplary Performance awards listed below – three of them in the 12th GRIHA Summit in New Delhi on 15th-16th December, 2020 and two in the GRIHA Event at New Delhi on 10th December, 2021.

  1. Winner for the demonstration of Passive Architecture Design under GRIHA LD rating.
  2. Winner for the demonstration of Energy Management under GRIHA LD rating.
  3. 2nd Runner-up for the demonstration of Integrated Water Management under GRIHA LD rating.
  4. Winner for exemplary performance in Construction Worker’s Health & Safety (during Construction) under GRIHA LD rating.
  5. Winner for exemplary performance in Site Management (during Construction) under GRIHA LD rating.

In addition, IIT Bhilai received a five-star rating in Occupational Health and Safety Audit conducted by the British Safety Council and also stood winner of the NSCI Safety Awards-2021 in Group-A for demonstrating outstanding performance in occupational safety and health by the contractor M/s L&T ltd.

Recently, IIT Bhilai received GRIHA 5-star rating for the Master plan (LD) on World Environment Day (5th June, 2022). From the design stage, IIT Bhilai aimed for the use of environment friendly and better sustainable materials so as to achieve better functionality, less maintenance and reduced running costs in the future. GRIHA 5-star LD rating marks the continued commitment and immense efforts of design consultants, the construction team and IIT Bhilai for creating a green campus to inspire the young generation to contribute towards sensitive environment.

  1. Six monthly Environmental Compliance Report (October 2020 to March 2021)
  2. Six monthly Environmental Compliance Report (April 2021 to September 2021)
  3. Six monthly Environmental Compliance Report (October 2021 to March 2022)
  4. Six monthly Environmental Compliance Report (April 2022 to September 2022)
  5. Six monthly Environmental Compliance Report (October 2022 to March 2023)
  6. Six monthly Environmental Compliance Report (April 2023 to September 2023)
  7. Test Report of the Water Quality Parameter of the Institute (Sample Collected on 18/04/2024)

Message From Director

I am pleased to extend my greetings to students and their parents as well as colleagues near and far. IIT Bhilai was established on 7 August 2016. We are located in Chhattisgarh, the rice bowl of India, in a state rich in natural resources as well as cultural memory and heritage. Read More


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